Key Accept and Sync

  1. Best practices for using QuickBooks Web Connector

    Here are the best practices for an optimal experience using QuickBooks Web Connector for your third-party applications.

  2. Can I re-activate a customer in Xero?

    If a customer has been deactivated in Xero, is it possible to restore them inside Key Accept and Sync?

  3. How can I activate the customer portal for multiple clients?

    With this simple batch process, you can enable the customer portal for one or many clients in just a few clicks.

  4. How can I attach a PO number to an invoice?

    It's easy to include a PO number for customers who use them to track purchases.

  5. How can I batch-process multiple invoices for a single customer?

    Key Accept and Sync makes it easy to process multiple invoices together as a batch. With a simple click, all invoices are paid and reconciled.

  6. How can I connect the QuickBooks Web Connector to multiple computers?

    Using the QWC file that was generated for your Key Accept and Sync account on multiple computers can potentially cause sync issues.

  7. How do I accept a one-time payment?

    Key Accept and Sync can also be used as a Virtual Payment Terminal to accept one-time payments using credit cards or eChecks. If a customer exists in your records, the data will sync instantly to show open balances and invoices.

  8. How do I accept a partial payment?

    In the Sale tab, you have the option to collect a partial payment and apply it to an invoice or outstanding balance.

  9. How do I add a new customer?

    Customer data is synchronized with your accounting software, whether created in your accounting system or Key Accept and Sync. Creating a new customer in Key Accept and Sync is easy.

  10. How do I add an invoice prefix?

    Keep your invoices organized with specialized prefixes to indicate which were created inside of Key Accept and Sync or your accounting software.

  11. How do I add an offline payment?

    If your business accepts offline payments, such as paper checks, you can still capture payment inside Key Accept and Sync to reconcile your invoices.

  12. How do I add HTML to my email templates?

    Key Accept and Sync makes it easy for you to fully customize your email templates to match your branding.

  13. How do I authorize a transaction?

    If your business needs to pre-authorize a transaction before it is submitted, you can do that directly inside Key Accept and Sync and apply the authorization to an existing invoice.

  14. How do I change my password?

    Updating your password regularly is part of a good security protocol. Key Accept and Sync supports this by making it easy to update your password anytime.

  15. How do I change the email address in my profile?

    Update your email address in a snap.

  16. How do I confirm my transactions are syncing to QuickBooks Desktop?

    The sync between Key Accept and Sync and QuickBooks Desktop requires the use of the QuickBooks Web Connector. You can view the status of the sync anytime in the activity log.

  17. How do I create a new user?

    Key Accept and Sync gives you control of the user access inside your organization that meet your access and security requirements

  18. How do I create a recurring payment for a customer?

    Creating a recurring payment for a single customer is easy with Key Accept and Sync.

  19. How do I create a Subscription Template?

    Subscription Templates in Key Accept and Sync are used to identify Products or Services that will be billed on a specified time frequency.

  20. How do I create a Suspense Account in Xero?

    Xero allows users to create a "suspense" account for transactions to reside until a decision is made about how they should be recorded.

  21. How do I create or change my profile picture?

    Key Accept and Sync uses Gravatar, the globally recognized avatar platform

  22. How do I create User Roles?

    Key Accept and Sync allows you to design User Roles that meet your access and security requirements. You can create as many as your business needs.

  23. How do I customize the starting invoice number?

    If you wish to keep your invoices organized, you can easily change the invoice numbering system inside of Key Accept and Sync.

  24. How do I disconnect QuickBooks Online?

    If you need to disconnect your QuickBooks Online account from Key Accept and Sync, follow these simple steps.

  25. How do I email invoices to my customers?

    Key Accept and Sync gives you multiple options to collect payments from your customers, including many ways to integrate "pay now" and follow-up emails in your collections strategy.

  26. How do I enable the customer portal for a single client?

    If you prefer to authorize access to your customer portal individually, it's easy with Key Accept and Sync.

  27. How do I enroll Subscribers?

    Key Accept and Sync allows you to create as many subscription types as your business needs. You can use our easy sign-up page to allow customers to self-enroll or manually add subscribers to any plan.

  28. How do I find a customer?

    Finding customers is easy with Key Accept and Sync

  29. How do I force a sync to QuickBooks Desktop?

    If you want or need to expedite the synchronization between QuickBooks Desktop and Key Accept and Sync PayPortal, you can manually force the sync.

  30. How do I integrate Key Accept and Sync with FreshBooks?

    Our setup wizard makes it easy to connect your FreshBooks account with Key Accept and Sync.

  31. How do I integrate Key Accept and Sync with QuickBooks Desktop?

    Our setup wizard makes it easy to connect your QuickBooks Desktop account with Key Accept and Sync.

  32. How do I integrate Key Accept and Sync with Xero?

    Our setup wizard makes it easy to connect your Xero account with Key Accept and Sync.

  33. How do I perform a refund?

    Key Accept and Sync offers multiple ways to issue both full and partial refunds. The refund action will always synchronize to your accounting package, so no manual work is required.

  34. How do I process invoices for multiple customers?

    Key Accept and Sync's Batch Processing allows you to accept payments from multiple customers for multiple invoices in a single click.

  35. How do I reconnect QuickBooks Online?

    If you have previously disconnected your QuickBooks Online account and would like to reconnect it, it's quick and simple to do.

  36. How do I record deposits in QuickBooks Desktop?

    Record and manage bank deposits in QuickBooks Desktop

  37. How do I remove the PayPortal application from QuickBooks Web Connector?

    If you need to update, upgrade, or re-install a newer version of QuickBooks Web Connector you may need to remove the applications to ensure that it installs correctly.

  38. How do I resend the customer portal invitation?

    If your client cannot locate their original email invitation to your customer portal, it's easy to resend.

  39. How do I reset the password for a user?

    If someone in your organization has lost or changed their password and needs it to be reset, the Account Admin can send them a Password Reset link.

  40. How do I resolve the Close Connection error?

    QuickBooks Desktop may give an error message related to an XML file if the data is not in the format that is expected or is corrupted.

  41. How do I resolve the XML failed error?

    QuickBooks Desktop may give an error message related to an XML file if the data is not in the format that is expected or is corrupted.

  42. How do I save customer credit cards?

    Key Accept and Sync helps you safely and securely store all of your customer payment data.

  43. How do I set up my Customer Portal?

    Your branded customer portal allows your customers to self-service 24/7. Customers can view invoices, make payments, and update their account details all on their own.

  44. How do I sync multiple Company Files?

    It is easy to sync multiple Company Files from QuickBooks to Key Accept and Sync. Below are the best practices to ensure that everything works seamlessly.

  45. How do I update my address?

    Update your address in a jiffy.

  46. How do I update my name in my profile?

    Changing your profile is quick and easy.

  47. How do I update my phone number?

    Changing the phone number in your profile is quick and easy.

  48. How do I update QuickBooks Desktop?

    Updating QuickBooks Desktop may be required from time to time to resolve known issues or bugs. Keeping your QuickBooks Desktop version up-to-date will also help ensure the safe storage and security of your data.

  49. How do I void a transaction?

    Key Accept and Sync offers multiple ways to void a transaction. The void action will always synchronize with your accounting package, so no manual work is required.

  50. How to correctly sync Customer Names between QuickBooks Desktop and Key Accept and Sync

    If customers do not have the names that you are expecting inside of Key Accept and Sync, you may need to verify that the Customer Name field inside of QBD is not blank.

  51. How to Disable Dunning

    Disable Dunning

  52. How to Troubleshoot the Web Connector?

    How to add, remove, and run the sync on the application.

  53. How to use Text to Pay?

    How text to pay works.

  54. Missing customers in Key Accept and Sync or QuickBooks Desktop

    If you are unable to find a customer in either Key Accept and Sync or QuickBooks Desktop, it may be due to a sync error from the QuickBooks Web Connector.

  55. Missing invoices in Key Accept and Sync or QuickBooks Desktop

    If you are unable to find an invoice in either Key Accept and Sync or QuickBooks Desktop, it may be due to a sync error from the QuickBooks Web Connector.

  56. QBWC 1013 - Error Connecting to QuickBooks or Application Requested to Abort

    When the QuickBooks Web Connector is unable to connect to QuickBooks Desktop, it may give a warning message or request to abort the connection. There are several possible causes and we have covered the most common causes below.

  57. QBWC Error "Invalid Sync_State"

    QuickBooks Web Connector may deliver an error message about the sync state when it cannot make a reliable connection.

  58. Take a tour of the customer profile

    Get to know the functions of the customer profile.

  59. Update your company logo

    How do i upload my logo onto the account?

  60. What does the collected surcharge look like on the invoice?

    To help keep your books GAAP compliant, Key Accept and Sync will update your invoice with a separate line item for surcharge fees.

  61. What does the customer portal look like to my clients?

    Take a tour of the customer portal through the eyes of your clients.

  62. What is 120 Authorization Failure?

    QuickBooks Online may give you an error code that either indicates 120 or 11014, both are related to permissions for your company.

  63. What is a subscription template?

    Subscription Templates in Key Accept and Sync are used to identify Products or Services that will be billed on a specified time frequency.

  64. Which characters can I use?

    Every software supports a specific set of characters (numbers, letters, and punctuation). When characters that are not supported are encountered it may cause errors.

  65. Why do I need multiple Subscription Templates?

    Creating multiple Subscription Templates allows you to create a variety of subscription types to suit your customer needs.

  66. Why would I change the Email Display Name?

    The Email Display Name has the biggest impact on whether your emails are opened.*

  67. Why would I change the Reply To Email?

    Customizing the email address that your customers reply to can simplify responses and power your workflows.

  68. Why would I want to manually add customers to a subscription?

    Key Accept and Sync gives you the flexibility to build customized subscriptions and recurring plans for VIP customers.